Why Rishikesh is the Yoga Capital of the World


If there is one City that truly Stands out as the Yoga and Meditation Capital of the World, its Rishikesh 

For literally hundreds of years, yogis, students, pilgrims, and saints have been visiting Rishikesh for teachings of yoga, spiritual development, and even enlightenment. Yoga teacher trainings are held en masse in the many holy and spiritual locations in and around the city, whilst tourists and travellers alike come to experience the healing energy of the surrounding area. When The Beatles visited Rishikesh in the 60s, they were so enchanted by it, they wrote "Happy Rishikesh" to honour the city. 


why do Yogis from across the Globe flock to Rishikesh? - Spiritual Energy


Rishikesh is located on the banks of the River Ganges. For thousands of years this river has been a place of spiritual and religious significance. Locals refer to the river as Goddess Ganga. The source of the Ganges is in the Himalayas, and it flows through one-fourth of the territory of India, before finally emptying out into the Bay of Bengal. The water supports hundreds of millions of people, and is known as the holy river of Hinduism. Many believe that the spiritual energy in Rishikesh is a direct result of the River. It is said that the river carries with it the past spiritual teachings of all the students, teachers, and yoga masters, who have shared their wisdom on it’s shores.


The Magnificent Foothills of the Himalayas


here are few things in life more spiritual than nature. Rishikesh is located in the foothills of the magnificent Himalayas, and is home to fresh air, clear water and abundant greenery. There is no shortage of things to do in the surrounding nature of Rishikesh.  You can trek the mountains, explore the hidden temples, and camp out in the beautiful meadows to experience the starry sky at night. Many of the yoga schools are situated right amidst this beautiful natural landscape, meaning yogis can practice in the peaceful and calming energy of the land. A popular yogic teaching is that yoga is practiced both on and off the mat. Learning to be present in a lush green nature is just as much a part of yoga as the physical practice. Through the combination of yoga and nature, Rishikesh teaches us to find the calm, peaceful centre inside all of us.


An Authentic Yoga Experience


Yoga as a practice has become largely diluted by Western culture. It is now widely used as a way to maintain physical fitness, with little importance on the internal or spiritual. If you are looking for something more, or feel as though your yoga practice is missing something, there are hundreds of ashrams in Rishikesh that may have the answer. Many widely renowned yoga teachers share their knowledge in the schools and ashrams of Rishikesh, with emphasis not only on the physical practice, but also on the ideology, philosophy and spirituality of yoga.

The sheer amount of schools and ashrams in the area make it difficult to chose the right one for your needs. Rishikesh is home to some of the worlds most reputed yoga schools. Experiencing yoga in Rishikesh is a way to access a raw, unmodified and traditional style of yoga. It doesn’t matter if you just want to take a few classes, or fully immerse yourself in a teacher training, your experience in Rishikesh will be, without a doubt, authentic and unique. 

Whether you want to go to Rishikesh for the yoga, the culture, the history, or just a bit of sight seeing, you will come away feeling refreshed and open. Thanks to the ancient teachings, the beautiful nature, and the hoards of people on personal and spiritual journeys, the energy of the city is unlike any other. This energy of transformation is what has made Rishikesh the buzzing yoga capital of the world it is today.