The Healer
Since ancient times, the Tulsi plant has been treasured in Asia. Tulsi, called ‘Ocimum Sanctum’ in Latin and Holy Basil in English, is considered a sacred botanical plant and an astounding remedial herb.
Prana is our very life force and our body needs a certain amount of prana each day. However the prana consumed by the brain is a much subtler version, which requires transformation through certain techniques.
Sleep is the first thing we sacrifice when we’re busy, thinking we can just catch up on lost sleep later on. But sleep is vital for health and wellness. Here are 7 steps to relax before bed.
Yogic knowledge places great importance on fasting. Fasting, when performed adequately and methodically helps to keep both the body and mind in a perfect state of health, an essential requirement for meditation.
Turmeric, one of the most popular spices is known to have purifying and cleansing properties that are unique. It is commonly used in Ayurvedic treatments and often included in the diet of hatha yogis, to reinforce ligaments. It can be used in cooking, as a supplement or as a cosmetic.
A study conducted by the Maharishi University of Management found Transcendental Meditation helps soldiers overcome PTSD.
Yoga states an easy and effective method for both the prevention or colds and for recovering from them.
Sleep is an exceptionally significant activity for health and wellbeing but currently 30% of adults worldwide suffer from Insomnia. A pathology where falling asleep or staying asleep become challenging.
Stress and anxiety often prevent us from getting good sleep, which makes us moody and lethargic. How can we get better and sounder sleep?
The inability to cope with stressful situations can cause serious imbalances in the nervous system. Yoga, whose main sphere of work is just that: the nervous system, has some answers and techniques, which have well proven their worth over millennia.
Most of us are in some state of addiction; addiction doesn’t necessarily have to be to pleasurable experiences. One can also be addicted to painful experiences, such as poisonous relationships.
There is a tendency to believe that the mind and body are separate entities, but they are wholly connected, and they both generate tensions under stress.
A full guide to inflammation and how it is the cause of most diseases. Foods that cause inflammation and foods that are anti-inflammatory.