Yogi Inspiration
Patanjali – a contemporary of Buddha – is considered the father of modern yoga. He compiled the Yoga Sutras and established the system of Raja Yoga.
Here are 130 Inspiring quotes by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev that will motivate your practice and change the way you see life as a whole.
Paramahansa Yogananda is considered one of the foremost spiritual figures of modern times. He moved to America in 1920, soon becoming the first great master of yoga to live and teach in the West for an extended period.
Over 100 inspiring quotes from historical figures that can inspire your life
Lao Tzu was a Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher from the 6th century BCE whose thoughts and ideals deeply influenced Chinese culture right up to the present day. This is the story of when they met.
25 Quotes on Manifesting your Thoughts and Dreams
The Hanuman Chalisa is a poem of love and devotion, dedicated to the mighty hero and monkey-god, Hanuman and to his Guru, Rama. Recited regularly by millions, we look into the meaning of each verse the general text.
Over 100 Quotes on Karma from the Masters and Ancient Scriptures
100 of Buddha’s Wisest quotes
Revitalising forces are readily available on Buddha Poornima, and when we are able to align with them on this day, they accompany us during the next twelve months.
100 Inspirational and Motivational Quotes on Yoga
Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the founder of The Divine Life Society was an extraordinary man who ignited the flame of spirituality, love and generosity in all those he met.
100 Inspirational Quotes by B.K.S. Iyengar
Irena Sendler was an amazing woman who helped 2500 jewish children escape from the nazis from the Warsaw Ghetto during the second world war.
Dr. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese scientist and author who explored the influence of thoughts, prayers and intentions.
An inspirational story of how one man from humble background was to create a Forest all by himself.
Sindhutai Sapkal was forced to marry at the age of ten. She was abandoned at nine-months pregnant, giving birth in a cowshed. Today she is known as the mother of orphans.
Here are 40 Quotes on Compassion quotes that will inspire your life and help you connect with others